Announcing Timesheet Feature Preview in TMetric

Meet the new TMetric release with a recently developed feature called Timesheets that will definitely ensure your billing accuracy. TMetric's Timesheet module, is now available in beta and designed for easy tracking of employee-paid time and simplifying payroll processing.

TMetric, as a digital timesheet software, allows employees to easily submit and edit a timesheet and lets managers quickly approve or reject it. No more emails or paperwork.

Try it out and share your experience with us!

How Timesheet Works

Timesheets are commonly used in employer-employee relationships to determine pay, as they provide a clear record of the amount of work completed in a specific period of time.

A timesheet is an electronic document that records the hours worked by a team member on a project or task. It includes the date, name of the project and task, the time spent on each task, and the total time.

Submitting a Timesheet

A team member tracks working hours using a timer for a certain period of time. At the end of this period, TMetric generates their timesheet, which needs to be sent to a manager for approval.

To submit a timesheet for approval, do the following:

  1. Click Timesheets on the main menu.
  2. On the My Timesheet page, click the Submit Week button.
  3. In the dialog that opens, leave a note for your manager and click the Submit Week button.

If you need to make some changes, you can withdraw a submitted timesheet, make changes and resubmit it. You can do it before your timesheet is approved.

Approving a Timesheet

A manager can check the Team Timesheets page to view a list of their team members' timesheets for a specific time frame. The clock icon next to a member's name shows whether they have submitted their timesheet for approval or not.

A manager can review and verify the hours and tasks listed on a specific employee's timesheet by clicking their name. Once the timesheet data is checked, a manager can approve the timesheet by clicking the corresponding button.

To quickly approve a member's timesheet in the list, do the following:

  1. Hover over the name of a team member in the list.
  2. Click the approval button that appears next to the member's name.
  1. In the dialog box that opens, leave a note for your team member and click the Approve button.

If you want a member to change something in the timesheet, you can reject it and specify a reason for it.

Exporting a Timesheet

TMetric enables you to export a timesheet in either CSV or PDF format, which can then be used for reporting or external accounting purposes.

If you need timesheets in paper form, you can export them and print them out for further use.

Timesheet Notifications

To effectively manage approval processes and track timesheet statuses, TMetric sends an email notification each time a timesheet is submitted, withdrawn, approved, or rejected.

You can easily go to a timesheet by clicking the View Timesheet button in the email.

About TMetric

TMetric is a web-based time tracking application for both freelancers and large companies. Great control over project timelines and budgets, flexible rates that ensure payment, crystal clear profits, transparent team monitoring, and many integrations all within an easy-to-use interface. Calculation of what from time to time is included in certain projects, clients and tasks instantly.