Brand-New TMetric for Desktop is Here

We are glad to present a greatly improved TMetric desktop. The revamped TMetric desktop app offers a new look and feel of user interface much like what you see in the web app. The new desktop now holds an expanded basic functionality that is most frequently used during the day and yet preserves an easy-to-use and lightweight layout. So now Tmetric is always at hand, and you don't need to go to the web.

Now let’s take a closer look at what’s new in the TMetric desktop.

Time tracking

The desktop UI allows you to see all at a glance and manage your time quickly. You can start and stop the time, see the total time you spent during the day and a list of tasks you’ve been working on. There are navigation arrows that can take you to previous days and back so that you can see your working progress in the past.

Additional options

There are additional options available under the horizontal-ellipsis button allowing you to add a time entry, add a break or sort time entries in the descending/ascending order.

Adding time entry

The desktop allows you to specify the description, project, tags, and the duration of the time entry being added. You can also edit the time entry details later, if needed.

Adding a break

It's easy to add a break in a separate dialog box by specifying the start time and the end time of the break.


A handy calendar lets you jump to the required day and see the chronology of your tasks and working time history.

Tracking websites

The new desktop client parses websites that you view during the day to make them visible in the Apps Usage report. The report allows you to see the productivity of your workers and see the percentage of time they spend on most used apps.

About TMetric

TMetric is a time tracking web app for both freelancers and big companies. Great control over time intervals and project budgets, flexible billable rates, crystal clear reporting, transparent team monitoring and lots of integrations, all wrapped up into a light interface.

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