Monitor User Activity with Screenshots Capture

Today we released the most anticipated and controversial feature - screenshots capture. We believe that measuring and improving employees' productivity is a simple step to company's success.

Screenshots capturing helps managers monitor employees' activities remotely, let's them know exactly what they are engaged in at the moment.

Please note that this feature is added to the Business plan.

How to Capture Screenshots

To capture screenshots, you need to install the desktop client. Then, an admin can easily enable taking screenshots for all users at once or individually. There is an additional option that can be used together with screenshots capturing - Blur screenshots to protect sensitive data. It allows blurring out private information on the screenshots.

Now TMetric Desktop will randomly take screenshots of each monitor every 10-minutes and you can view them later on the Activity screen.

Moreover, you can easily control inactivity time for all workspace members by enabling the Idle Time Detection option.

How to View Screenshots

To easily view screenshots, we created the Activity module in TMetric web app. Now you can view and manage all your activity and other users activity at one place if you are an owner or admin. As a team lead, you have permission to see and analyze this data.

The Activity page displays the following information:

  • activity levels
  • apps and sites usage
  • screenshots of each monitor
  • project and task description

To learn more about how to enable activity tracking in TMetric, refer to our documentation.

About TMetric

TMetric is a time tracking web app for both freelancers and big companies. Great control over time intervals and project budgets, flexible billable rates, crystal clear reporting, transparent team monitoring and lots of integrations, all wrapped up into a light interface. Calculation on how much time is spent on certain projects, clients and tasks in an instant.