New billing options and lots of other improvements

In the new release, we've added a whole bunch of features, which make billing even more flexible and reflect the needs of software companies, in particular, those companies that work on outsourcing and outstaffing models.

Bill your clients for work days instead of work hours

We've added the possibility to invoice your clients for a whole work day, at the same time, accurately tracking work time on an hourly basis. This model can be configured for separate projects by selecting a Fixed Fee billing type and setting the Recurrence option to Daily.

Create outstaffing projects

We've made it possible to create outstaffing projects where a client pays a fixed fee for work each employee does within a specific time period. You can create an outstaffing project by selecting a Fixed Fee billing type and setting the Fee Type option to Compound. The Recurrence option is set taking into account the client invoicing frequency.

Start working on projects and set billable options later

Prior to the release, when creating billable projects, all the settings should have been set before you started tracking time spent on a project. Otherwise, a part of the project time could have been marked as non-billable. Now you can configure the project billing settings after you actually start working on a project and all the sums in a report will be correct.

Other features

Adding time for workspace members is now a paid feature

We've decided to remove adding and editing time for another person by a workspace admin from a Free plan. If you are a solo user of TMetric, then this change won't affect you.

Mandatory email address verification

We've made an email verification mandatory, because many of our users did not do it. This led to the situation that when forgetting a password, they couldn't reset it, because we didn't send emails to unverified email addresses.

Option for synchronizing time in Jira added

We've added the option to the editor for integration with Jira - Adjust remaining estimates of issues automatically. This option allows you to control the behavior of the Remaining Estimate field in Jira issues during synchronization.

Email change when signing up with Google

Now the users who registered with Google have an opportunity to change an email address (e.g. to a business email) in their TMetric profile. Besides this, users who used their Gmail account for registration, but didn't select Sign up with Google, will be able to log in both with Google and their login and password.

Options for setting a title on the Time page

We added the options in the menu on the Time page, which will let you hide additional information if you don't need it. Now a user can hide the following information:

  • Billable Time
  • Break Time
  • Monthly Balance
  • User Activity

Fixing long-running timer forbidden with the Manual Time Editing option off

To avoid any manipulation with work time, when employees intentionally "forget" to stop the timer and then add a couple of hours, you need to prohibit editing (i.e. fixing) a long-running timer in case when manual time editing is forbidden.

About TMetric

TMetric is a time tracking web app for both freelancers and big companies. Great control over time intervals and project budgets, flexible billable rates, crystal clear reporting, transparent team monitoring and lots of integrations, all wrapped up into a light interface. Calculation on how much time is spent on certain projects, clients and tasks in an instant.