Time Off Tracking Improvements in TMetric

In the new TMetric release, we've made some improvements to time off tracking and enhanced the translation quality of the web application in Russian.

Time off for a full day

Now employees can ask for time off only by taking full working days. This will help to avoid situations when an employer would pay for the same time twice, since employees could combine their work time and time off into one day.

Improved monitoring of missed workdays

To clearly understand, how many workdays an employee missed and reported by the end of the month, we've made a current day to be considered as an unmissed one, since some people could have not started their work yet.

When an employee is fired, as a rule, access to TMetric will be blocked the next day after the dismissal. So, there won't be an additional missed workday in TMetric.

The Lock timesheets option now takes into account weekends

Using the Lock timesheets option provides an employer with a possibility to restrict editing the timesheet data by employees for a specified period of time. In this release, we've changed the option behavior.

Now it works according to working days, but not calendar ones. For example, if your employees are allowed to edit 1 working day, then on Monday they will be able to edit Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Localization into Russian

  • The list of currencies is translated
  • Some translation inaccuracies are fixed

About TMetric

TMetric is a time tracking web app for both freelancers and big companies. Great control over time intervals and project budgets, flexible billable rates, crystal clear reporting, transparent team monitoring and lots of integrations, all wrapped up into a light interface. Calculation on how much time is spent on certain projects, clients and tasks in an instant.