The Best Sites for Fun Beyond Cat Videos

There is an art to time wasting. It's not just about aimlessly surfing the net, but doing it so that you're using your own time to your advantage.

We will prove that time-wasting, when we consciously refuse to be hyper-productive and do it in a work break, can be more enjoyable than cat videos and, most importantly, can bring surprisingly good results.

The benefits of taking a break are in plain sight:

  • Your social battery will last longer
  • Stress can be released
  • Breaks are optimal for burnout prevention.

What Are Time-Wasting Sites?

In addition to remodeling communication, media, and work itself, the internet has redefined the concept of curing boredom by introducing us to time-wasting sites.

Time-wasting sites do not serve some particular purpose, but they satisfy people's needs for entertainment and fun. People see the hours vaporizing in the air but feel no guilt because sometimes the best time spent is without a goal.

What Experts Are Saying About Time Wasting

Discussing the importance of accepting our imperfections, Morgan Housel brilliantly pointed out:

So many people strive for efficient lives, where no hour is wasted. But an overlooked skill that doesn’t get enough attention is the idea that wasting time can be a great thing.

Without further ado, take an unhurried step into exploring the awesome sites we list below, and you are guaranteed the most productive time-wasting.

Slashdot: News for nerds

Time-wasting in tech starts with Slashdot. Dedicated to delivering "news for geeks," Slashdot posts a multitude of geeky articles📜📰 accompanied by sarcastic comments.

It also offers to participate in polls as well as comment on the topic.

News, summaries, and links to articles can be directly submitted by Slashdot users.

The Positive Lexicography Project: Enrich your vocabulary

People with extensive vocabulary can expect higher occupational success.

In this case, the interactive list on the Positive Lexicography Project offers huge opportunities for immense success: it contains various words for emotions, dreams, and wishes collected from 7117(!) languages.

What we especially loved is the fact that for the word work there was only one entry related to a beautiful Norwegian verb avspasere:

Pixelfika: Find inspiration instantly

Pixelfika team carefully curates sites for design inspiration and color palettes.

You can choose between dark and light modes and benefit from handy keyboard shortcuts to browse quickly and foster your creativity🎨🖼️ with the best designs.

FutureTimeline: See the future with clarity

If you need predictions, forget Tarot readings. There is a site built around the year-specific forecast that opens a timeline of our lives up to a far future of 9999.

Moreover, since the timeline started in 2000, you can refresh your memory⏳ on the most notable events from what now seems like a distant past.

Factslides: Get a dose of fun with this fact aggregator

With this site, you will never run out of facts, which will make you laugh and keep you entertained for hours🕐. Click on random, and you will surely feel amused to know something amazing or funny.

If you prefer not to rely on chances, there are four categories to choose from, World, History, Society, and Nature. All the facts are well-sourced and shareable.

Artvee: Pure art

Explore the classical arts with a beautifully-introduced collection of more than 6000 high-resolution artworks.

Artvee has made the most popular paintings available for instant download. You can search images by categories, authors, or keywords and discover artists🧑🏿‍🎨, and art movements related to classical and modern art.

Neal.Fun Auction Game: Check the price of masterpieces

It allows you to play and bid on paintings, sculptures, photos📸, etc. The game's rules are simple: you see an artwork and name its price.

Then you are shown the actual selling price tag it got at the auction. Now you will know the value of the item in case you will be bidding on it in real😉

Flagwaver: Just let the flags wave

A waving flag is a symbol of support.

Basically, Flagwaver can convert any image into a flag🚩. To get the highly realistic computer-generated flag, an image URL or direct upload can be used.

With the flag uploaded, you can control the wave of the flag by changing the wind direction, the flag hoisting, the type of pole, and the daytime or nighttime sky scenery. Take a look at how much fun it is.

Randommer: Infinity of randomness

Get free random numbers, color palettes, phone numbers, name lists, security numbers, validated telephones, and more.

Europeana: The cultural heritage at your fingertips

On this site, there are over 50 million items to explore.

This site presents a digitally connected cultural heritage sector that illustrates how culture-driven Europe boosted the growth of the economy⏫, extensive job markets, and the well-being of European nation-states.

You can research cultural items across topics, collections, or centuries.

Flipclocker: Awesome way to set the clock

Strictly speaking, this site is contrary to time-wasting.

You can turn your computer into an attractive full-screen flip clock ⏱️with a wide range of options (date visibility, fonts, sound, static or animated background, etc.). It will help you see the time any time.

Hex Test: Name the color in digits

It is an interactive test for knowledge of hex codes of colors.

A hex code comprises six digits prefixed by a pound (#) symbol. They indicate the hue's proportion of red, blue, and green. For instance, a pure black hue⬛ would be #000000 in hexadecimal.

This game will let you play a designer and see how well you know digitally codified names of various colors.

Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs: A pro level of commenting

On this site, you will find plenty of terrible real estate photos🏠 accompanied by hilarious commentary.

Moreover, you can invite more sarcastic comments by submitting a photo.

Smash the Walls: Perfectly safe stress release

There is nothing simpler than smashing the walls 🔨online.

A beautiful design adds to the experience. Now, you can let off some steam without harming the environment.

Gnod: Finds new music for you

By asking its visitors what the top three music performers and bands🎧🎼🎹 they prefer, Gnod recommendations cater to user tastes with precision. Sometimes surprising, mostly entertaining.

Notable People: Where notable people come from

This is a website that shows the birthplaces of world-famous people🌎🌍🌏. You can also zoom in and out of the map to see all the notable people in a particular area.

Merriam Webster Time Traveler: Travel to the past instantly

This site enables you to see the emergence of new words.

Select a year, and this word time machine will bring you a vocabulary list📖📚that appeared in print at that time.

ThreatCloud map: Visualized cyber attacks

It's a very simple yet powerful visual representation of historical data refreshed daily. At the bottom of the page, you can access more information 🌟 along with attack playbacks.

The additional data also includes an extensive chart with recent attacks and the most commonly used malware types by country.

Talk to Books: Ask the books any question

A fascinating website called Talk to Books is a Google project. It lets you ask any question: it will start searching for answers from the collection of over 100,000 books🔖📗📘.

You can filter the search by picking specific categories (fiction, current news, reference, science, etc.).

Bongo cat: Who rules the world? Cats!

We simply couldn't ignore cats, especially when it is cute and creative Bongo Cat.

Play around with music or create beautiful pieces of your own. Fun is in store with multiple options that enable you to compose music by choosing among the uplifting beats of cymbals, tambourine, piano, and a cat's meowing😻


In the age of productivity, free time has become an unattainable luxury.

Overachievement as a target, which often causes burnout, results from the demand for an always-on work culture and negligence of time off.

Luckily, there are some sites designed for perfect time wasting. This article shows you how to make the best of these sites and have a rechargeable break☀️☕