New Time Tracking Report and Custom User Avatars in TMetric

Meet the updated version of the TMetric web app with more useful features for time tracking. In this release, we've added a new report - Activity Summary and a possibility to customize your profile picture with ease!

New Time Tracking Report and Custom User Avatars in TMetric

The updated version of TMetric web app now includes more features for your convenient time tracking. In this release, we focused on categorizing time depending on the way it is added to the app and customizing your profile picture.

Activity Summary Report

Sometimes, there is a need to audit the recorded working hours: how much time was added using the timer and how much - manually, when a user was active or inactive.

With the Activity Summary report, you can easily find the answers to all these questions. The report clearly represents all the data you need:

  • the amount of time added with a timer and manually,
  • active and idle time for workspace members,
  • unknown activity - time when user activity cannot be confirmed (desktop client was turned off, activity recording was disabled or time was added manually).

Also, you can see the total time a user worked and his activity level at the workplace.

We've removed the Online Time and the Activity Level columns from the Team Summary report. The new report provides more accurate information on these records.

To visualize this data, you can use colorful charts. Just click the icon on the right and you'll get a chart for Timer vs Manual Add and a chart for Activity Breakdown.

The report is available in the Business and Professional plans.

You can learn more about the Activity Summary report in our documentation.

Custom Profile Picture

Besides using a Gravatar or Google account picture as your avatar, we've added a possibility of uploading your custom profile picture.

Now you can easily upload one of your favourite photos on our service, in order for your colleagues to recognize you. You can also use our avatar templates for a quick start.

Get more details on how to upload your profile picture in our documentation.

About TMetric

TMetric is a time tracking web app for both freelancers and big companies. Great control over time intervals and project budgets, flexible billable rates, crystal clear reporting, transparent team monitoring and lots of integrations, all wrapped up into a light interface. Calculation on how much time is spent on certain projects, clients and tasks in an instant.