New capabilities in TMetric web extension
We are pleased to announce the release of the updated TMetric extension and would like to report on the new features it delivers.

We are pleased to announce the release of the updated TMetric extension and would like to report on the new features it delivers.
Assign a project directly in the extension
This feature allows you to unite issues in various external projects under a single project in TMetric. When you click the Start timer button in an external web app, the extension allows you to specify a task name, create a new project or select an existing one, and add tags.

Integration with G Suite
If you use the G Suit tools in your everyday work, then TMetric is an excellent addition to them. The TMetric extension is supported in Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Inbox, Google Keep, Google Mail for effective time management directly on your Google pages.

Bitrix 24 supported
The list of web systems supported by TMetric continues to grow. Bitrix24 is yet another tool we’ve included in this extension release.

New extension interface
The new extension layout has been aligned with the stylistics of the main web app. It allows you to handle the basic features such as add a new task, specify its name, select or create a project, add tags and others.

The TMetric web extension will boost your productivity in various web systems!
TMetric is a time tracking web app for both freelancers and big companies. Great control over time intervals and projects’ budgets, flexible billable rates, crystal clear reporting, transparent team monitoring and lots of integrations, all wrapped up into a light interface.