Productivity Hacks for Lawyers Round-up
It is well-known that legal professionals work far beyond office hours. In our new Round-up episode, we offer a great collection of reads on how to juggle work and home being a busy lawyer.

Lawyers are the least inclined to complain of work overload because traditionally, staying late at the office is the part of legal professionals' culture.
In addition to client hours, lawyers have to manage multiple things (documents, emails, and phone calls, among the common daily activities). According to recent Clio Legal Trends Report, 75% of lawyers informed on their workday stretching far beyond office hours.
So we collected the great reads highlighting the value of time management skills that will be beneficial for legal professionals whose busy legal practice implies dealing with many obligations during the day.
How a lawyer can improve on his time management skills
by Neha Tandon
Lawyers care about maintaining the standard and quality of their legal work as it determines the client intake and income. If they want another case in their portfolio they need to be productivity ninjas.
Dive in this highly recommended article to get the wide scope of advice on juggling work and home by perfecting time management skills: just follow the author and take simple but effective steps starting from the stage of planning to the stage of achieving the desirable results.
Notable Quote:
Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding, and Timely) goals...
How young lawyers can tackle time management challenges in their practice
by Allison C. Shields and LaKeisha R. Randall
Being aware of direct connection between time management and productivity is very important not only for experienced lawyers but law students as well because acquiring the stress resilience to deadlines and force majeure greatly enriches the lawyer's resume.
The authors share secrets of distributing the efforts for enhanced productivity and give tons of useful tips on what a future lawyer must pay attention to, and what traps of time management must be avoided at all costs.
Notable Quote:
What 3 things will I do today so that, if I accomplish nothing else, I will feel that I had a productive day?
Three Steps to Put Yourself Online as a Freelance Lawyer
by Rukham Khan
With modern technologies, legal professionals can perform their duties remotely but the schedule flexibility and freedom can come with a cost in case the lawyer does not follow rules tailored for the needs of freelance lawyers.
Fortunately, you can skip time on long search as the suggested article provides readers with guidelines for organizing the remote legal practice. The author offers great practical solutions to lawyers feeling at a loss when it comes to promotion of their service.
Notable Quote:
... you’ve built a brand image for yourself. Now you need to add call-to-action buttons...
4 simple ways to increase your productivity as a lawyer
by Ozan Varol
Avoiding distractions is half of success when it comes to performing tasks efficiently especially in legal practice where the absence of time management skills can come with a price.
We tend to underestimate the simple tools like calendars and overestimate our willpower, which can result in perilous consequences for legal professionals' productivity.
To avoid it, read this article supplying us with very easy-to-follow tips. The author introduces top 4 methods undeniably helpful for lawyers that strive for getting things done.
Notable Quote:
Depending on the research, each hit of distraction costs you anywhere between 15 to 45 minutes to completely regain your focus. This squirrel mode of working leaves you distracted, unfocused, and exhausted. Instead, try batching similar tasks together.