TMetric Adds 6 New Integrations

TMetric team has just released a major update for our browser extensions. We've added six more timer integrations and delivered a new way of integrating the timer into your favourite apps.

TMetric Adds 6 New Integrations

Today we are glad to announce the major update of TMetric browser extensions. We've added six new timer integrations and changed the whole process of timer integration into your favourite apps.

New Timer Integrations

The list of TMetric integrations is constantly expanding and now includes more systems where you can track time with just one click:

  • Evernote - note-taking app that allows you to keep your life organized.
  • HubSpot - sales and marketing software that improves business processes.
  • Insightly - CRM platform automating marketing workflow.
  • Monday - project management tool for organizations.
  • Microsoft To Do - personal task management application.
  • Notion - workspace and note-taking application.

Install TMetric browser extension and track your time in various systems throughout the day!

TMetric Timer Integration Changed

We've changed an entire mechanism of integrating a timer into different systems. Now the timer will be integrated only into those web apps, where a user explicitly permits to.

Permission Settings

If you already use the browser extension, after the upgrade, all your integrations will be saved. You'll just need to give permission for working with these sites. For this:

1. Click the extension icon on the toolbar.

2. In the opened dialog box, click Continue.

3. You will see a permission pop-up.

4. To provide TMetric access to sites you use, click Allow.

You can see that all the previously used integrations are automatically enabled when you get to this page. So, you can easily continue tracking your time.

If you haven't used the browser extension before, TMetric will ask you to select the integrations you are going to use.

There is also a possibility to open access to a site you currently use by clicking the extension icon, and then Integrate.

About TMetric

TMetric is a time tracking web app for both freelancers and big companies. Great control over time intervals and project budgets, flexible billable rates, crystal clear reporting, transparent team monitoring and lots of integrations, all wrapped up into a light interface. Calculation on how much time is spent on certain projects, clients and tasks in an instant.