Get budget estimate in a click and use work types for any project
Meet the new TMetric release with features that streamline project budget calculation and allow using work types for any project independently from billing. Now you also have the ability to sort your tasks by estimate, so you can control your task execution process.

The new version comes with a fresh set of new features among which automatic estimation of a project budget, sorting tasks by estimate, adding work types to any project, and an optimized app layout for large browser zoom.
Let’s get into it.
Estimate Project Budget Automatically
TMetric gives you the possibility to quickly estimate a total project budget both in hours and cost. This is done by using time estimates of individual tasks.
You can estimate the project budget if its budgeting method is set either to Total project hours or to Total project fees.
To calculate and see a total project budget, click the Estimate Budget button in the project editor.

If you agree with a budget estimate, just click the Accept Estimate button. The project cost will appear in the Budget size field.

Sort Tasks by Estimate
In addition to the already existing options, now you can sort your task list by estimate. So, you can quickly see which tasks are not estimated yet, which have too big or small estimates.

Use Work Types in Any Project
Now you can add work types to any project, no matter whether it's billable or non-billable, to better categorize your project tasks.
To add a work type to a project, do the following:
- Open a project editor of the project you need.
- Enable the Work types section.
- Add work types to the project.

Other Features
Optimized app layout
We've changed our app layout, so it scales properly when you work with large browser zoom (up to 150%).
About TMetric
TMetric is a time tracking web app for both freelancers and big companies. Great control over time intervals and project budgets, flexible billable rates, crystal clear reporting, transparent team monitoring and lots of integrations, all wrapped up into a light interface. Calculation on how much time is spent on certain projects, clients and tasks in an instant.