How a software provider gets clear insights into work progress
How software company monitor and manage workflow progress through time control

About groupXS
groupXS Solutions GmbH is a specialist for mobile business applications. The main product is Reportheld – a Smart Mobile Collaboration Solution that is industry-independent and tailor-made for each customer. Our service offering includes the development of new software, it's cloud-based provisioning as well as consulting services for IT projects.

Challenges we faced before TMetric
As a software provider we work a certain number of hours delivering service and products to our clients. It means that they are entitled to have detailed information on how the charged hours are utilized.
We also hire freelancers when performing some projects. For them and for us, it is equally important to track their working hours and report them to get paid in time.
Ultimately, we need timekeeping to get transparency on all the calculations associated with development projects. This helps us forecast with precision and allocate resources without fail.
Why we chose TMetric
Before we used TMetric time tracker as our time tracking software, we had an open source tool. For us, it was really confusing and time-wasting. For this reason, we had to look after something more user-friendly.
As a startup we had budget constraints. So, we needed a time tracking tool that is affordable but still can meet the wide functionality requirements.
There were a few alternatives, for example Toggl, but it is too pricey so we browsed to search for similar functions with good price. When we started using TMetric, it was just what we needed including the cost as basically it free of charge.
Another reason was the integration to Azure and Google Chrome. This saved us tons of time on documenting activities in a verifiable way.

What changed after we implemented TMetric
After the implementation it became easier to track time for us and our colleagues. Now we have absolute transparency about the projects in terms of time utilization and contribution of each team member.
We know what kind of activities require which amount of time. Therefore, we can do better calculations on coming projects, improve our pricing and meet the clients’ needs perfectly.
Moreover we like the possibility to look at the webapp to show the customers the current number of hours of their project because of the real time functionality.
About the author: the story is written by groupXS CEOs - Tobias Hertkorn and Sebastian Schmidt