How TMetric helped MyLead affiliate network to achieve growth
CEO of an affiliate network company explains how TMetric helped his team to achieve better work results

Speaking in numbers, the efficiency of our business increased by 18%, and job satisfaction improved by 17 percentage points. The increase in the number of tasks performed reached 87%.
What’s more, we have stopped wasting time. At MyLead, we have achieved all this with just one tool - TMetric.
About MyLead
MyLead is one of the best affiliate networks in the world. Since 2014, we have been facilitating the cooperation between advertisers (the owners of products and services) and publishers (promotors). That cooperation enables them to achieve higher earnings than they would be able to gain by working alone. We take care of our users, both collectively and individually. The main character of MyLead is excellent client service. We provide publishers access to free education and tools and advertisers - with anti-fraud systems and real-time efficiency controls. In addition, we have professional support, which helps users in the most challenging situations. To be able to deliver the best service and cater to our customer’s needs, we have many channels for contacting us, such as mail, telegram, skype, or discord.
We run an incomparably large number of partner programs all around the world, which are promoted by a large group of tens of thousands of publishers from different regions. They appreciate a huge choice of offer categories, remuneration models, and ways of receiving payments.
It is great to look back and compare the current size of MyLead with its beginnings.
In the very beginning, the company was built of two people and operated only in the local market. Today, a huge team of people works on significantly larger, global projects.
Challenges we encountered before using TMetric
The company was developing very quickly. New people were coming to our team at a pace that exceeded our imagination. Some of them wanted to work remotely and have a flexible schedule. The methods we used so far, began to fail. We were using tables consuming a lot of time. To be frank, learning how to use them was inconvenient for new team members. Also, we had to repeatedly ask remote workers what they were doing, what they had done so far, and how long it took to perform tasks.
Summary meetings were long and exhausting for everyone. We didn’t have statistics on time utilization for tasks. Aside from calculations, we also wanted our employees to be able to check their activity during working hours at any time they choose.
We needed a tool that would help us get systematized data and collect the information hassle-free.
The tool that could control the working time of our employees, and at the same time, be very convenient and easy to use.
In February 2017, we found a solution and our problems disappeared at once. That's when we started using TMetric.

Why TMetric?
There are plenty of available applications to monitor working time. We chose TMetric because of the suitable price and compatibility with Trello and Google Documents, which we use every day in our company.
An additional advantage was the tab enabling access to the history of browsed websites during an active task in TMetric. It gives us a perspective on the ratio of real working time to the declared one.
To summarize, TMetric time tracker responded to all our needs and seemed like it was created especially for our company. Therefore, we immediately introduced it to our everyday life and it turned out to be a hit.
How TMetric resolved our problems
It’s been almost three years since we started using TMetric, and lots of changes have been introduced within our business. We have entered the global market, our team has grown, and we have increased both the number of campaigns available on our service and the number of users who trust us. We have already been awarded many times for these achievements.
We believe that such success, achieved at such an amazing pace, would not be possible without the working time software - TMetric.
To list all the facilities TMetric has guaranteed us, we would have to spend a lot of time. We will focus only on the most important ones.
#1 Fast settlements
Our employees are often billed hourly. Therefore, every time they wanted to receive a salary, they had to report their working time in a given period. Currently, they continue to do so, however, the report is generated automatically in the TMetric interface and its download takes a few seconds at max. Next, they send it to our Office Manager who does the transfers. This solution means that asking for payment is now a low-impact element and allows for a quick return to work. What’s even more, our employees can settle not only a single hour but also each minute they have worked.

#2 Efficient cooperation with remote employees
Since we use TMetric, we don't have to continually ask our remote employees about what they are currently doing or how much time it has taken them so far. We can verify it quickly and be sure that despite their lack of presence in the office, they are at work.

#3 Access to statistics
We have divided all tasks in our company into 12 general projects with specific tags. When employees start the timer on the task, they specify their project and choose the corresponding tags. With this functionality, you can ensure that an employee's current work is added to the statistics of a particular category in real time.
An additional advantage is that the employee sees only those projects to which s/he has been assigned, which significantly reduces the time needed to choose the right one.

Thanks to this, people in a managerial position know which projects in the company take the most time and, if necessary, can make some changes. In addition to project statistics, they also have access to information on specific tasks, as well as on each employee individually. This makes it easier for them to manage teamwork time.

#4 Increased employee efficiency and better mood
As we expected, the employees accepted the use of TMetric with some doubts and skepticism. They were afraid that we would increase the work control and would not allow them for things, such as replying to a private message or checking the bus departure. Of course, TMetric makes it possible, but that wasn't the point. We focused on managing work time, which resulted in higher efficiency, and after a few days, our team ended the era of tedious tables.

#5 Real-time control
After logging into TMetric, all employees can observe their workday in real-time. They will see the number of hours worked, the length of the break, as well as the tasks they did. This, in turn, gives them ongoing control over their activities at work.

If we had to choose again, we would have chosen TMetric
When creating a system for our users, we focus on simplicity and intuition. We want everyone, regardless of their experience, to be able to find themselves on our website easily.
TMetric works similarly, and this is the reason to love it. Today, we cannot imagine MyLead without it. It has become our everyday life due to the benefits it brings.
During these three years of cooperation, you have helped our company tremendously and we would like to thank you for that. We wish you success in all your future endeavors, and we hope we would never say goodbye.
About the Author: This success story was presented by the founder and CEO of the MyLead affiliate network - Patryk Hoffmann.