Get Clear Answers to These 17 Time Tracking Questions
Here are some of the most common questions we get regarding time tracking. We've answered all of them.

Who started tracking time?

Answer: Back in ancient times, we find proofs that 5000 years ago in Babylon (present-day Iraq) and Egypt people used calendars to schedule🗓️ their life and work.
What is time tracking?

Answer: Automatic time tracking is the practice of monitoring and recording how much time you spend on different tasks, projects, or activities. By using time tracking tools like TMetric, you determine:
- how long it takes you to complete your work🏆
- what you're spending that time on.
Why do we track time?

Answer: Users choose to track time for several reasons.
- to make their progress visible
- to accomplish goals faster🎯
- to keep boundaries on work, which helps maintain work-life balance.
When used at work, tracking is important because it helps to understand how your time is spent and clearly see ways of optimizing your workflow.
Is time tracking effective?

Answer: As a time and workforce management technique, yes, it is very effective💯
🛑 The findings indicate that we forget 80% of what we learn.
- The human brain is not wired for indefinite information storage, – time tracking keeps work time data in one place.
- Most people don't consider how long it takes to accomplish a task when they make a to-do list, – time tracking addresses this issue at best.
- Low-value admin tasks can take a lot of time and energy, – time tracking removes the burden of calculations.
How can I track my hours at work?

Answer: One of the most effective ways of getting accurate and reliable data on work hours is by using time tracking systems with wide functionality that includes a work time recorder and a paid time off calculator🧮.
Additionally, you can integrate your time tracker into other services. Integrations deliver the seamless experience of working with the tools you already use like Asana, JIRA, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Calendar, mail services, etc. It will help you:
- prevent context-switching
- focus on demanding tasks stress-free.
Time tracking software of this kind helps you keep track of all the time you spend at work, as well as how much money you get paid for each hour of work. It makes it easy to calculate how much money you earn per hour and find out if you're being paid fairly or not.
What is the best app to track work hours?

Answer: The market of time tracking solutions is introduced by lots of players. Users can choose▶️ the ones catering to their business needs. However, regardless of the brand preferences, the best time tracking app is to feature the following options:
- it automates recordings of your working hours
- it tracks billable hours
- it creates invoices
- it streamlines payroll processing
- it calculates your overtime
- it tracks your paid sick leave and personal days off
- it monitors your productivity level.
Also, advanced time trackers offer special solutions for:
- freelancers
- employees
- personal use
- contractors
- students
- for small businesses.
How to track time spent on apps?

Answer: You can not only time your job but break it down to categorized tracking. In particular, lots of time trackers have the option of generating reports. They introduce screen time on graphs 📊📈that show in percentage what apps you used most.
What are benefits of time tracking?

Answer: Time tracking is beneficial to industrial and personal use.
- Tracking your time and recording while working helps you see how long particular tasks take.
- Whether you do professional work or engage with personal tasks, you'll have a better understanding of how much time you spend on any activity.
- With time tracking, holding yourself accountable and staying focused will be easier.
- Once you know how you manage time, you will get the means for a gradual improvement in your performance and progress👍🏻.
- When you are able to identify where you are falling behind, you will be able to organize your work in order to catch up.
- By tracking your time, you can maximize your efforts and set up a schedule that works for you.
How can I explain time tracking to my employees?

Answer: We know that work life balance is important for you, especially since desk jobs prove to be energy-draining. Time tracking is a way to be more present for the people who depend on us. Applying time tracking practices, we make it an achievable goal.
The fact is, we can save energy and accomplish tasks, and, overall, be better at what we do when we're able to track our time.
What is also very important is the fact that with time tracking we can easily automate timesheet approval and payroll processing, which means timely payments💲, transparency and a higher level of business efficiency.
Why real time data is important?

Answer: Taking wise decisions + focusing on the right things = profitability. Time tracking is an essential part of any business but it's important not only to collect accurate data but also to have access to it quickly when necessary.
It means that users can make informed decisions based on facts rather than assumptions about how things are going at work day-to-day.
What is the best time tracking software?

Answer: The best is the one that caters to your needs. There are many different types of time tracking software available today. Some may work better for certain types of work.
Before choosing a specific software, it's important to understand what your needs are and how this particular time tracking software will help you achieve those goals.
The first step is to define the needs of your business. The best way to do this is by doing research online. Review platforms give voice to real users who share their experiences🔦 with you! Consider feature sets, pricing plans, and learning curves before the implementation of the tool.
Why should I use time tracking?

Answer: Most probably you heard it said that time is money. That's true, but it's also true that wasting time is just as bad as wasting money (if not worse).
We all know that when we're working on tasks at work, there are always things that could be done better or faster—but we don't always have the tools to quantify how much time we're spending on each task.
By understanding exactly how much time you spend on each task, project, or activity in your job, you can make sure that you're putting in the right amount of effort for each thing that needs to get done📌. It also helps you identify areas where there are opportunities for improvement and efficiency gains both in work and life.
Martin L. King said that he would use his free time if he had some for refueling:
... to take time out from the mechanics of the movement, to reflect on the meaning of the movement.
The more capable systems we use, the more time and energy we can save.
Automatic time tracking systems exemplify this statement at best.
How can I track my time?

Answer: Aside from traditional clock-in and clock-out systems, there are digital solutions that automate time tracking.
You can choose among a variety of means. In particular, it can be a time tracking tool like:
- a timesheet app
- a desktop time tracker
- a web tracker
- a browser extension
- a mobile app
- a simple stopwatch timer⏲️
All of them allow tracking all the tasks and activities like phone calls, appointments and meetings, break time, and even 'idle time'. They also deliver reports on the time you spend on charts and graphs.
Utilize these options to get insights into your time management and review your tactics if necessary.
What are time tracking pros and cons?

Answer: Flexibility is not only one of the most sought-for perks but, according to research, it is an essential marker of expected productivity:
Employees with flexible schedules report 29% higher productivity and 53% greater ability to focus than those with set hours
- Time tracking allows flexibility.
The biggest pro of time tracking is that it brings a solution for any professional group across any industry in creating accountability🌟.
Accountability is very important because it implies:
- taking credit for your actions
- meeting deadlines
- articulating the progress status with accuracy.
The cons of time tracking include:
- It may seem as though you aren't trusting your employees if you use a time keeping tool. To avoid it, set clear time tracking policies.
- Time tracking can bring a disservice in case its functionality does not fit your business.
How do I track my team members' hours?

Answer: If you can't measure how much time each member spent on their task, then there's no way for you to know whether or not they're actually doing as well as they think they are with respect to completing projects💡 on time.
That's where time trackers come in: they can help teams track time so they can get rid of those pesky distractions that keep them from getting things done.
Time tracking is definitely rewriting teamwork:
- it makes remote work for distributed teams an easy option
- it delivers the flexibility to team members' schedule
- it streamlines time off management.
How to track time accurately?

Answer: Time tracking is a process that involves recording the time spent on a particular task or project. The best time tracking tool should be able to record time accurately, allowing you to measure productivity and make sure that you are not spending too much time on unimportant tasks.
Reliable software with wide feature sets can guarantee accuracy.
Moreover, automation capacities of time tracking bring accuracy🔍 to:
- invoicing🧾
- billing
- payroll processing
- scheduling
- project management.
How do I start using time tracking?

Answer: Most trackers offer a downloadable version of the app. You can easily sign up for a free account with a couple of clicks, choose a plan✈️ depending on what functions you will use, and then start capturing data!